Thursday, June 30, 2005

the 2am violinst

dooo dee dooooo
violin sounds

this girl was playing violin at 2am in the empty ice rink. very cool. click the first pic to see her #1 fan. click the second pic to see where she is, exactly.
by gwilli.

the smokin' corner

the smokin' corner by bucketofbeer. looks like the whole city uses this area for one thing.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The truth about VAGcam!

Thanks to Adam, I now know why this camera is here. Well, I knew it was used in some Art Gallery exhibit, but no one would tell me more than that. Here's more: This is the site created by Vancouver artist, Janet Cardiff. The website is her pretending to be a VAG security guard who has leaked control of this camera to the public. And she blogs her sightings. Her sightings are staged events.

So, thanks to Janet for getting this camera where it is and letting the world use it. like us. yeah. now send me more images!!

blunt girl

girl rolls joint. money and drugs are exchanged. homies smoke dope with girl.
- click the pic for the small movie (this is for you r.)

I was lookin back to see that she was lookin back at me
- click this pic for the same movie, but bigger (3megs)

crazy dancing bride

the crazy dancing bride by r.
click to watch her dance. it'll take a while to load the 3meg gif.
just click it, go away and come back in a few minutes. it's worth it.

Monday, June 27, 2005


red shorts

fencing practice

fencing warmup
all by erin


maghead (click for closeup)
by White Glue.


by White Glue

the poster removal monster!

posterremovalmonster! by bucketofbeer
comments? ratings? go!

BCAA to the rescue!

bcaa from bucket

Friday, June 24, 2005

My Camera is Cooler than Your Camera

first post!!
"My Camera is Cooler than Your Camera"
by russ

WELCOME to the VAGcam blog!!!!

so, this is my new blog. this blog is not about my pictures... it's about yours! but you can't use your camera. nor my camera. you gotta use this camera:

this camera is mounted on the Vancouver Art Gallery. I don't know why or what for. the rumour is that is was once part of an art exhibit. You should save the link to this camera, because I might delete it from here someday. depends how busy it gets.

YOUR JOB: your job is to use the camera. it's fun. it's not like a real job that way. and when you see something cool, take a screenshot, then crop it, then send it to me - . if you don't know how to do screenshots, see the blog entry titled "screenshots for beginners". once I recieve your images, I will post them and the fun goes on from there. the rating can be done via the comments.

y'all down with this?? then get started!!! it's for anyone. I don't care if I know you or not. just do it! the judging will be based on anything and everything. here are some suggestions on what might make your capture better then average:
-yourself or someone you know
-people participating in illegal activities
-car accidents
-indecent exposure
-cool cars (no mustangs!)
-nose pickers

I will only accept jpgs or gifs. if you want to submit a series, that's cool. just not too many pics. if you want to make an animated gif, do it. the only thing that matters here is that people actually send me some pics. or it will not work. dig?

ok, here's a sample:

now start submitting!
gwilli (at the ol) gmail dert com

screenshots for beginners


to grab a screenshot-
- when viewing the VAGcam, hit [alt]+[Print Screen]
-then open MS Paint (programs > accessories > Paint)
-paste your capture by hitting [ctrl]+[v] or edit > paste
-then crop your image by
-selecting the area just around the webcam image
-hitting [ctrl]+[c] (or edit > copy)
-then go File > New and don't save.
-then paste the selected area as the new image
-save this as a JPG!! not bmp. then send it to me!


-[shift]+[command]+[3] will do a screenshot.
-you probably already know how to crop it.

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